A Day with Charles

Every so often friends
phone, saying that they have heard Charles Wheeling give a lecture in
their area; and, from what he says, it is clear that he is opposed to
Ellen White and our historic teachings. Unfortunately, I have had other
friends who have abandoned confidence in the Spirit of Prophecy after
attending his meetings or listening to his sermon tapes.
One cannot help but
wonder how Charles can be so successful in capturing the minds of
faithful believers at his meetings. So, briefly, I am going to explain
how he does it. If this is not a topic that interests you, then do not
read it. But I write to protect other friends in advance.
In three meetings in
Ringgold, Georgia, during Sabbath, June 30, 2001, and in a fourth
meeting that night, Charles Wheeling presented a series of four
lectures. One historic believer who attended them laboriously took
thirty-two pages of very careful notes. The following quotations are
reconstructed from them.
Charles began the 10:00
a.m. morning meeting (which was entitled "Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob") by continually mixing allegorical and symbolical
applications as he related the Biblical story of those three families.
By the time the meeting was done, the audience had good reason to be
confused. You may recall that telling confusing and/or boring stories
was one of the methods devised by Erickson, the founder of Ericksonian
hypnosis, which captures peoples’ minds while they remain awake. He
said it was the simplest way to hypnotize people. Although they remained
awake, they had become susceptible to whatever he might tell them
thereafter. Erickson’s theories were expanded by Bandler and Grinder
(with their "neuro-lingustic programming") and popularized by
Savage in his LAB courses (who, among others, taught them to over a
thousand of our pastors and leaders).
(For more on
Ericksonian hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic programing, LAB, and hypnosis, we
refer you to our book, Hypnotism Tractbook [134 pp., 8½ x 11, $10.50
+ $2.50], which contains a collection of several of our tracts on
these topics).
Here is a brief sample to
show you the confusing nature of Wheeling’s initial 10:00 a.m.
"Today, I will
present an interpretation of history as I see it through my eyes, so you
can see where I am coming from and where I am going.
"The male is
independent; the female needs a provider. There is a design in this.
Why? Women feel if they bear no children, they are unfulfilled. Why? Why
did God create everything before He made Adam and Eve? Why did God not
create Eve at the same time He made Adam?"
By this time, many in the
audience are beginning to feel they must be ignorant because they cannot
figure out what is being said. This gives them the impression that
Wheeling is more intelligent than they are—and, in turn, opens their
minds to be willing to consider new concepts which do not agree with
their beliefs.
A fundamental lesson we
should take to heart is that it can be dangerous to listen to speakers
whose belief systems are strange or unknown. You are venturing on
unstable ground when you do this. In contrast, you know you can trust
the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy when, bowing in prayer for guidance,
you thoughtfully study those precious books for yourself. I urge you to
stay in the rich pastures of God’s Word; stay away from the cliff.
"Now to Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob. Visitors told Abraham he would have his own son. But
he and Sarah were very old and past childbearing age."
The audience is now
trying to follow Charles closely, and he launches into a detailed list
of names and what he considers to be their meaning. It is a hodgepodge
of unrelated points, which only adds to the confusion. Here are a few
"Sarai means the
wife of the governor or lord. Canaan means the land of humiliation, a
place where one will wallow in the dust. Eliezer, Abraham’s chief
servant, could be a representative of Satan. Elieser also means the
great idol of Damascus. Damascus means a holy place. Lot is the veil
man, needing to be saved. Rebekah means she will fetter you. Esau is a
red man or rough handler, like a cowboy. Leah will make you disgusted,
ugly. Rachel is best of the flock, a good traveler, like us. Leah was
covered up. Jacob could not see her. We are covered up by Jesus, so
others cannot see our nakedness."
Charles then explains the
mandrake transaction in this way:
"Leah’s son finds
mandrakes. He takes them to Leah, his mother. Rachel sees him. She is
peeking out the window. She wants the mandrakes. Leah says, ‘What will
you give me?’ A typical Jew. Mandrakes were plants that can cause
conception in women, an aphrodisiac. The barren becomes pregnant.
Rachael wanted a child. So this is how Jacob and Rachael have a son of
the promise. The three women—Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel—all have
something to do with the Holy Spirit. We will talk about this
The meeting ends.
The 2:00 p.m. Sabbath
meeting begins. It carries the intriguing title, "Changing
Times/Changing Minds." The time has come for Charles to begin
changing those in his audience. Eventually, Charles arrives at his main
topic for the day: The Adventist Church and its flawed prophet and
"The early Christian
church was disowned, cast out. Friends had mock funerals for those
disowned. Early Adventists were also outcasts. Most of them were young
people. God made us out of dirt. Early Adventists said they would never
have a creed. James White said this, and others did also. —But today
we have a creed, the 27 Fundamentals. We have a set of doctrines, a
creed! People are rotten and behave as human beings. Adventists have
canned answers. Yet that is the spirit of Catholicism! We need to learn
from the past. We do not need canned answers."
By this time, many in the
audience are favorable to Charles’ idea, that we should not have
"canned answers"; for we do not want "the spirit of
Catholicism." What they do not realize is that he is about to lead
their impressionable minds toward a rejection of another type of
"canned answers": the Spirit of Prophecy writings and our
historical prophetic beliefs.
Similar techniques are
used by other itinerant preachers. You will be told that you need to go
by "the Bible only," that "truth is progressive,"
that "there is new light for our time," and that Ellen White
wrote "for her time in history." Then, freed from the
constraints of the Spirit of Prophecy, the preacher presents his errors
as the "new light needed just now." If you object, he tells
you that you should accept "new light." If you quote Spirit of
Prophecy disproving his "new light" theory, he will say
"we must go by the Bible only." What he is saying is,
"Accept my interpretation of the Bible, not the Spirit of Prophecy’s."
—As soon as the preacher belittles the Spirit of Prophecy, get out of
there quick and take your loved ones with you!
Charles continues:
"Every movement goes
through a process of change. In the process of being born and living,
they settle down after crossing the Jordan and the next generation
arises. Over and over again, the cycles of change come.
"We think we are the
people of God. Seventh-day Adventists. We inflate ourselves, thinking we
already know everything. We develop myths and legends. We make heroes of
ourselves and tell the world how important we are. We think we are the
remnant! We have placed a cloud over Scripture. It is only what we say
Scripture says. We cling to these decades-old man-made ideas. But we
must read the Bible as it reads in order to know the truth.
"Now, when the SDA
movement was born, we brought certain baggage along. We used the
proof-text method of proving things. Not good. All Christians did that
back in 1844. What we are doing is go to the Bible, take a verse here
and there, and say, ‘This is what the Bible says.’ We prove the
Sabbath this way. Doing this works occasionally; teaching the Sabbath by
proof-texting is alright, but it can be misused to prove wrong
You should be aware of
the fact that Charles’ beliefs run parallel to many of those espoused
by our liberals. Ridicule of the so-called "proof-text method"
is one of their techniques. Such ridicule was prominently used in the
two liberal sermons at the 1995 Utrecht Session, preached in an attempt
to prove that women’s ordination was Scriptural. The Bible obviously
does not support their position, so the liberals have to weaken our
confidence in what the good Book teaches. (The liberals maintain that,
instead of relying on the clear words of Scripture, we should let our
Ph.D. "scholars" analyze the original languages, the
historical context, and ancient "cultic symbols" in order to
arrive at the correct meaning. We must trust our souls to the
"Bible scholars.")
A similar approach is
used by Adventist gays, to prove that Scripture supports homosexuality!
They attempt to talk away the eight or so passages which directly
condemn homosexual practices.
The truth is that the
Bible is full of specific rules, commands, and promises. By declaring
that we will no longer consider or obey "proof texts,"—we
destroy the ability of the Scripture to teach and guide us. We have
decided that we will no longer believe what we read!
Having destroyed the
Scriptural safeguard in the minds of some at the meeting, Charles is now
prepared to lead them into deeper levels of Wheeling theology:
"Here’s an example
of the faulty use of the proof- text method: ‘Judas went out and
hanged himself; go and do thou likewise.’ See, you can prove anything
with proof texts! Seventh-day Adventists fell into this fallacy. That’s
why some of our doctrines are not true. One is the investigative
"Now, the Sabbath is
true; but some of our cardinal doctrines have no basis in Scripture.
Fortunately, as they have matured, some Adventists have challenged
Adventist ideas. But then, when they do, they are ostracized. What
should be done? Adventists should sit down and study with them, so they
can learn the truth. I believe you want to know the truth, don’t you?
"In the past,
Adventists who have questioned the doctrines have been smeared instead
of being listened to. Dr. J.H. Kellogg was smeared. His character was
"Then there is the
role of Ellen G. White. The legends and myths about her have gotten out
of hand. People have made her larger than life. Years ago, I was not
permitted to know this. It was covered up because it would makes waves
and rock the boat. We need to correct some problems about the teachings
of Ellen G. White."
Charles then makes much
of essentially nothing. He speaks mysteriously about how, in earlier
decades, church leaders tried two or three times to correct some of
these "problems" about Sister White; but they were not able to
do so, fearful that they would be branded "heretics" if they
exposed these mysterious "problems" which Charles does not
Then he mentions the 1919
Bible Conference and how church leaders attending it identified the
problems—but were so horrified at their discovery, they determined to
bury the truth so it would never be known.
The real truth is that a
small group of men were at this meeting; and, during it, a little
discussion about some quibbling, which originated with slanted hints by
one member (W.W. Prescott), was made for a short time before they passed
on to other matters. I have a copy of that 1919 Conference incident.
(See my Analysis of the 1919 Bible Conference—Part 1-3 [WM–537-539],
in which I carefully go over the entire conversation).
Charles has now warmed up
to his subject, and he next passes to a direct attack on a well-known
historical incident. He charges that Ellen White never held that Bible
out at arm’s length. The truth is she did hold heavy Bibles, not once
but twice. Read again Chapter Four of my book, Prophet of the End.
It will thrill your heart. (Pages 42-43 discusses the two Bible
incidents.) The large Harmon family Bible weighed 18½ pounds. In the
E.G. White Estate vault, in Takoma Park, I held that Bible in my hands
in the mid-1950s.
Charles then
"exposes" another "terrible" thing about Ellen
"The last two
chapters of Prophets and Kings were not written by Ellen White.
They used other of her writings on the subject."
Of course they did! Ellen
White died before the book was completed, and her helpers had to piece
together the closing two chapters from her earlier writings. What is
wrong with that! That fact is well- known. So, yes, she did write
the closing two chapters; it was all her writings!
But Charles does not stop
with that. He next turns his guns on our historic teachings.
"R.R. Figuhr,
General Conference president in the late 1950s and 1960s, was an
impatient person. Some facts were brought to Figuhr. So he appointed a
committee, called the Daniel Committee. Important scholars in Adventism
were put on that committee. It met eight to ten years secretly.
Scholarly papers were presented on Daniel, like the Investigative
Judgment, etc. But it was locked up. After the committee studied it; it
was locked up. ‘Don’t publish this,’ they were told. They locked
up the findings and never told us about it."
Here we are told of more
ominous, terrible secrets that Charles only hints at. Why? Because if he
said much more, the audience would quickly see his insinuations do not
amount to anything. The truth is that, prior to the middle of the 1950s,
we had godly men in our college Bible departments. They were seasoned
pastors and evangelists who had been hired because they were tried and
proven as solid laborers in the Advent cause. Back then, the same held
true for our editors.
But a change came. Some
of our men started going to Protestant, Catholic, and secular
universities for doctorates in religious subjects. While there, they
imbibed non-Adventist teachings about the law, grace, salvation, the
Sanctuary, and Daniel and Revelation.
When the on-again,
off-again meetings of the Daniel Committee began about 1960, the solid
Bible teachers clashed with the newly arrived liberal Bible teachers.
The result of several years of meetings was a miserable collection of
discordant views, hardly worth publishing. As more and more
university-brainwashed men were hired in the 1960s as Bible teachers,
the situation became so bad, the meetings of the Daniel Committee were
eventually terminated. Some of our leaders had learned a terrible truth:
The new, university-trained Bible teachers were going to hollow out the
faith of our college students, if their hiring continued! But degrees
were in demand, so we started the practice of hiring men on the basis of
degrees rather than beliefs and years of reliable service in the church.
So what are these
mysterious insights the liberals arrived at in those meetings? Just the
apostate Protestant, Catholic, and atheist gibberish our liberal Ph.D.s
had been spoon-fed in the universities! Here are some of them: We were
saved at the cross. The atonement was finished then. We now need do
nothing more than accept it. Behavior has nothing to do with salvation.
Efforts to obey God are legalism. There is no Sanctuary in heaven.
Daniel 8:9-14 was fulfilled in Antiochus Epiphanes, who lived prior to
the time of Christ. Instead of humbling obeying God’s law, we should
celebrate our already certain salvation.
Charles continues:
"Decades later, some
of those men were tarred and feathered because of what they knew to be
truth; and they were run out of the church for defending what they
Charles is here referring
to the crisis in 1980 and shortly afterward, when Desmond Ford, and a
few of the Bible teachers and pastors who adhered to his teachings, left
Adventist denominational employment. The truth is that very few left!
Most of them went undercover for awhile in order to keep their jobs,—and
they are now happily teaching Fordism to their students, your present
and future pastors. We wish they had all cleared out! They have been
doing this for twenty years in America, nearly as long in Europe and
thirty-five years in Australia.
"I’m just trashing
the trash. I love Adventism. I would never give up the truth. But don’t
give me fluff, but truth. Fortunately, a change is coming in the SDA
Church. We don’t have it all; we don’t have all the light. We have
something yet to learn. We need to be more tolerant of people and
different ideas. We need to study together. It is important that we keep
open minds. We need a tolerant spirit."
It bears repeating that,
when the itinerant preachers come to your area, they will tell you that
not all the light was given to Ellen White, and there is new light for
us today, They will tell you that she had light for her day, but there
is additional light now. —And the preacher standing before you is the
font of wisdom who has it! Be "tolerant" and accept what he
has to say.
When you hear that kind
of talk, get out of there fast! Take your loved ones and go. Warn your
friends; get them out before they become mesmerized. Any time a speaker
starts downgrading the Spirit of Prophecy writings, even in the
slightest,—get out of there! He is an instrument of the devil.
"A wonderful spirit
of tolerance is developing. The Association of Adventist Forums
is one such place. Their lectures are outstanding. They publish Spectrum
magazine. You need to read it. It will change you. You need to
attend their meetings. Then you will begin to see things more
For nearly thirty years,
the pages of Spectrum was the channel of quibbling about Ellen
White. Various issues have advocated a variety of lowered standards and
variant beliefs,—including evolution. It advocates women’s
ordination and is not unfavorable to homosexuality.
"The church in Jesus’
time crucified Him. They thought they were doing the right thing. We
should be careful today not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
There are truths, hidden for years, which our people still have not
"Prescott died,
kicked out. A letter from Willie gave false impressions of his mother.
Kellogg was not a pantheist! He was a good man. They cooked up that
scheme to take the Tabernacle in Battle Creek."
Some facts: William W.
Prescott (1855-1944) was a continual gripper. He complained about Ellen
White and a lot of other things. He had good reason to, for he believed
he was smarter than she was! In 1909, he wrote the leaders a letter (a
copy of which I have) in which he listed about ten things which he
thought should be changed in her book, Great Controversy! Talk
about pride of opinion! He was the primary complainer at the 1919 Bible
Conference. (Read my tract, The Prescott Letter [WM–534], in
which he writes a negative letter about her. In that tract, I review the
sorry spectacle of his life.)
William C. White, Ellen
White’s godly son, was hated because he faithfully stood with his
mother and defended her writings. If you defend her writings, you will
be strongly disliked too.
As for Dr. John Harvey
Kellogg (1852-1943), he hatched a scheme to steal the immense Battle
Creek Sanitarium—built with denominational funds. And through the use
of legal tricks, he did it about the year 1907. Kellogg was indeed a
pantheist! I have a copy of his large book, The Living Temple.
Pantheism is in that book. The Dime Tabernacle was our large Adventist
church building in Battle Creek. Kellogg never owned it, so how could
our leaders steal it from him? The Adventists in Battle Creek paid to
build it. A little girl gave the first dime for the project; hence its
name. (Read my in-depth study on the apostasy which occurred in the
first decade of the twentieth century, The Alpha of Apostasy—Part
1-6 [DH–251-266].)
"Walter Rea was
another persecuted Adventist. Ninety percent of what he wrote in the
White Lie was true."
For months, Rea collected
a thousand dollars every weekend as he lectured close to our college
campuses and Adventist centers. I call it blood money. For much more on
this, read my book, Ellen White Did Not Plagiarize. You will
there learn, among other things, that the six-year Desire of Ages
Project report revealed that Ellen White had not plagiarized after
Charles next moves to a
favorite topic: Adventist historical positions on Daniel and Revelation
are incorrect. One might ask how he can be so sure. The answer is
because he thinks so.
"The Old Testament
is not divorced from the New Testament. Christianity was built on
Judaism. Millerites were the forerunners of Adventism. They preached
that the kingdom of heaven was at hand, and people got excited. But
there are theological problems about 1844."
With that intriguing
statement, Charles concludes the 2:00 p.m. meeting. Charles is an
excellent public speaker, and he knows how to keep the people coming
The 3:30 p.m. meeting
(originally scheduled for 4:00 p.m.) begins. It is entitled "Seven
Miserable Years."
"When October 22,
1844, passed without the second advent taking place, Miller was
confused. By October 22, there had been a variety of dates and times
set,—and then Hiram Edson came up with the fifth version! He says he
had been praying all night, and he sees Jesus in the heavenly Sanctuary.
Christ had gone into the Most Holy Place to begin something there. After
this, Ellen wrote about it also.
"But they were both
wrong! The day of atonement was not on October 22 that year; it was no
later than October 15! They had made a mistake, both historically and
It is better that I
explain Wheeling’s errors to you, so you and your loved ones will not
feel defenseless when he or his associates spring them on you at a
meeting in your locality.
On what day in 1844 did
the day of atonement fall? Actually, it would not matter on what day it
fell, as long as it was in 1844! The 2300-year prophecy ended in that
year, and that is what counts.
But we have these facts:
(1) The believers that year selected October 22, and Ellen White later
endorsed it in her writings. Her endorsement establishes it. Why?
Because she is a prophet, and Charles and his opinions are not. (2) The
day was selected on the basis of the day on which learned Jews that year
said it would fall. Modernist Jews had one view, based on a lax
analysis. Another group, the Karaite Jews, were extremely dedicated and
tried to be as accurate as possible. It is their conclusion that the
Millerite brethren adopted as the terminal date. (As you may know,
Jewish dates were determined by when the moon first appeared at a
certain time in the spring. So this caused dates to vary from year to
year. That is why yom kippur (the day of atonement) falls on a
different day each year.)
Keep in mind that it was
Charles who, about a decade ago, said the date 1798 was also incorrect!
He stated that the pope was taken captive in 1799. At the time, I
produced several quotations from prominent historians and historical
books establishing 1798 as being the correct date. Just because Charles
says something, does not make it true. (See Charles Wheeling Leaves
Historic Adventism—Part 1-5 [WM–315-319] and his 46-page Wheeling
Tape Transcript; both are now in our Wheeling Documentary
Tractbook, $3.50 + $2.50. Also see Wheeling’s Latest Attack on
the Spirit of Prophecy [WM–532-533], not in our Wheeling Tractbook.
Also of interest is Luis Munilla’s Open Letter to Wheeling [WM–547-550]
(not in our tractbook), in which Munilla, Wheeling’s chief
treasurer for years, charges that Wheeling siphoned donations from Great
Controversy distribution to pay for distribution of his tapes and
papers attacking Ellen White. I spoke personally with Munilla at the
time, and he maintained that it was true.)
"A day does not
equal a year in Bible prophecy. Our SDA ministers knew it was not
correct. SDA scholars today know it is not correct."
If Wheeling’s theory of
day-for-a-day instead of year-for-a-day was accepted, it would destroy
our 2300-, 1260-, 1290-, and 1335-year prophecies!
In reality, dedicated
Christian Bible students have recognized the year/day principle for
centuries. Joachim of Floris (c.1130-1202) and other students applied it
to the "three and a half times" (the 1260 days), the 1290 and
1335 days, and the 2300 evenings and mornings. A century later, Arnold
of Villanova interpreted the 2300 days as 2300 years. Numerous writers
later taught this view.
The 70 weeks of Daniel
9:24-25, leading to "Messiah the Prince," were understood,
from the early centuries, as 490 years, pointing to the ministry and
death of Christ.
In the sixteenth century,
Johann Funck, in Germany, dated the period from 457 B.C. to A.D. 34—from
Artaxerxes to the crucifixion. This dating was so sound that it became
popular among interpreters.
Then Johann Petri (d.
1792) combined the 70 weeks with the 2300 days. By beginning the 2300
days jointly with the 70 weeks (the shorter period of 490 years being
cut off from the 2300 years), he reckoned the 2300 years from Artaxerxes
to 1847.
By the beginning of the
nineteenth century, there was a widespread recognition of the ending of
the 1260 years in 1798. Rather quickly, a sizeable number of prophetic
writers uniformly fixed on 1843, 1844, or 1847 as the terminal date of
the 2300-year period. Between 1810 and 1844, about 35 writers ended the
period in 1843 or 1844. Most of them were in England; but some were in
Scotland, Ireland, Germany, and America.
"We need to give
people breathing room. It is cultic to place our minds in a straight
jacket. Don McAdams, at Southwestern Adventist College, said that the
historical chapters of Great Controversy were wrong because the
historians wrote something different."
Donald McAdams authored
an article in Spectrum years ago, complaining that Ellen White
was not historically accurate in the earlier half of Great
Controversy. Later, Bill May, at the time president of the Texas
Conference, went to McAdams and asked him to explain his thinking on
McAdams told Bill May
that Ellen White had a few details about historical events which were
different than what historians wrote about them. May pressed him closer.
"Do all the historians describe those incidents that way?"
McAdams admitted that some historians thought it occurred one way, and
others thought it occurred another way. Ellen White was supported by
some historians, but not by some which McAdams preferred. "Well,
how do you decide which historical accounts are the most accurate?"
McAdams admitted that no one could really know for sure.
Here is one example: A
bell tolled at midnight as the signal for an event. Was it the bell on
one building or the bell on a different building? McAdams said Ellen
White (although supported by certain historians) placed the bell on the
wrong building. How picky can these people get! It is desperation.
Either they get rid of the Spirit of Prophecy or they have to
acknowledge it as from God—and they must put away their secret sins
which it condemns.
"It was not a
2300-year prophecy; it was only a 3½-year period of prophetic
You need to understand
that Charles is an expert in Bible prophecy. How does one become an
expert in Bible prophecy? Easy, just tear down all the other possible
interpretations—and yours is the only one left!
Our liberal Bible
teachers were taught at the universities that Daniel 8:9-14 is fulfilled
in the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes. Charles agrees with the liberals.
But he has a second, very important reason for wanting the day-for-a-day
interpretation: Charles has been time setting for years now. When one of
his predicted dates passes without fulfillment, he sets another. In the
mid-1980s, the Iraq war with Iran was, in his presentations, a major
event predicted in Daniel 8, signaling the nearness of the end. Then
Daniel 8 was switched to the U.S.-Iraq Gulf War. Soon we should find
Osama bin Laden in it.
As for Charles’
3½-year time period, he is in questionable company. It was Ribera (d.
1656), a faithful Catholic wanting to twist Bible prophecy as part of
the Counter Reformation, who devised the concept of 3½ literal years at
the end of time. Charles does the same thing. Another faithful Catholic,
Alcazar (d. 1613), pushed the dating into the distant past. Ribera
started the "futurist" school of thought; and Alcazar, the
"preterist" view.
But, just now, what about
Antiochus? There are several reasons why Antiochus Epiphanes could not
be the little horn power of Daniel 8: (1) He was only one king of the
Seleucid empire, hence was a part of one horn. He could not therefore be
another complete horn. (2) He did not grow great toward the south, the
east, and the pleasant land of Palestine. The Romans stopped him in
Egypt, and his push to the east was stopped by his death. His policy of
enforced Hellenism failed, and his craft did not bring him outstanding
prosperity. (3) He came in the middle of the divided Grecian kingdoms,
and not at the latter end of them. (4) He did not stand up against the
"Prince of Princes." (5) His casting truth to the ground was
only temporary and unsuccessful, for it drove the Jews to powerfully
defend their faith.
At this juncture,
Charles launches into a presentation about "seven years" in
the Bible. It is all supposed to prove something. Charles is fascinated
by timed events in Scripture.
"In the time of
Joseph, there were seven years of madness. [He goes into detail on the
story of Joseph.]
"Babylon was a type.
God’s people were captive to the state when the seven years of madness
came. [Details on Babylonian captivity.]
"The Catholic Church
changed the calendar. Matthew 24 and Mark 13 said there would be wars
and rumors of wars. Luke 21:11. Luke was a thoroughly proficient person,
and said there would be famine, pestilence, and earthquakes. In the
middle of the seven years of madness in these last days in which we
live, God will set the clock again. I am convinced of this. Haggai 2.
God said, ‘I will fill this house with glory.’ His Word shakes the
heavens and the earth.
"Jacob worked seven
years for Rachel. The Biblical type of Hebrew marriage is long and drawn
out. After 6,000 years of sin, there will be 1,000 years when the bride
is taken to the house of the bridegroom.
"But the mind can
absorb only that which the seat can endure. No numbered days in Daniel
and Revelation that go beyond the 1335. I should explain this, but the
mind can comprehend only that which the seat can endure. We need to
examine historical documentation. We will do that tonight."
End of the 3:30 meeting.
The 6:00 p.m. meeting
begins. It is entitled "The Voice of God: When the Sun is
Darkened and the Moon Becomes Blood." Charles is going to
explain the exciting ways those two celestial events may occur.
"The book, Early
Writings, mentions about the sun being darkened. The sun will be
darkened and give no light. Science must support the Bible. The sun will
be ‘black as sackcloth’ and the moon ashamed, ‘red as blood.’
"Now there are
several ways this could come about. First, there could be a total solar
eclipse. Second, there could be a total lunar eclipse. Third, the earth
must literally flip or the sun and moon must flip. Fourth, a cloud must
come between the sun and the earth, a galactic cloud. Fifth, the
approach of a black hole could do it!
"Revelation 6:12-14
in the KJV. There are seals, trumpets, and plagues. Something is
approaching the earth! For a third part of a day, the sun is smitten!
Revelation 9: the fifth angel’s trumpet! Could it be another planet
coming between the sun and the earth! Could it be a neutron star! This
would be a small dot only 20 miles across! It would be enough to blot
out the sun’s light!
"Then it could be a
black hole—which devours neighbors! The Bible says the sun is darkened
by something. Acts 2:20-21, Joel 2:31: The sun is turned dark and the
moon to blood!"
Modern astronomy abounds
with theories which, if true, would mean that the universe about us is
menacing and utterly chaotic. So-called neutron stars and black
holes are part of this imaginative lore. Both have been dreamed up
by astrophysicists in order to explain the cause of X-rays originating
from certain locations in the sky.
In 1934, Fritz Zwicky
theorized that neutrons (uncharged particles) might exist in such great
numbers within a star—that it would become a neutron star. If,
somehow all the atoms could become neutrons, he theorized, the star
would be no more than 10 miles across—while retaining the mass of a
full-size star. In addition, it would emit more X-rays than those
produced by the corona of a normal star.
In 1939, J. Robert
Oppenheimer theorized that a super-massive star, if such large ones
could exist, might be able to collapse into a point called a singularity.
In the 1960s, John A. Wheeler nicknamed them black holes. These
would be star-eating objects, gulping down all the stars about them. But
I do not believe God would permit such gigantic stars to exist or black
holes to form from them. God’s universe is not an evil place of
terrible horrors. It is only evil down here on earth.
It is known that there
are special X-ray locations in the universe, including a very large one
in the center of each galaxy. Since, in God’s plan, everything has a
purpose, it is very possible that these are special recharging or
signaling stations of some kind. We do not know. But astronomers say the
smaller X-ray locations are neutron stars and the larger ones are black
Charles theorizes that a
passing neutron star or black hole could come between Planet Earth and
our sun, temporarily blotting out its light. Yet, if they really
existed, such terrible objects would cause great havoc before they ever
got closer than several light years distant from us! They would not
merely "pass between us and the sun."
"When Christ
returns, it will be the jubilee. The jubilee is not the spring of the
year. The 50th year, 10th day of the 7th month falls at even."
By this time, it was
getting late, so Charles drew his exciting evening meeting to a close.
Some folk attempt to
date the Second Coming by the Jubilee cycle. But our heavenly Father is
careful not to disclose the date for the advent or any other future
event, including the jubilee.